The Various Types of The Ankle Injury

types of ankle injury

Ankle injuries are the most common ailments that athletes, dancers, and everyday people can experience. Whether walking or running, playing sports, or just living an active lifestyle, you’re at risk of an ankle injury. But what exactly are these injuries? How do they differ from one another? And how should you treat them? This blog post will explore the various types of ankle injury and provide some helpful treatment tips.


There are three main types of ankle injury: ligament sprains, tendonitis, and bursitis. Each type of injury has different symptoms, treatment options, and recovery times.

Ligament Sprains:

Ligament sprains occur when the ligaments that support the ankle are stretched or torn. The most common ligament sprain is an inversion sprain, which happens when the foot turns inward. This type of sprain can be mild, moderate, or severe. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking. Recovery times vary depending on the severity of the injury but range from a few days to several weeks.


Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursae, which are fluid-filled sacs that cushion between bones and muscles. In the ankle, bursitis often affects.


There are many types of ankle injury, but fractures are the most common. A break in the bone is fractured and can occur at any age. However, they are most common in young children and older adults. There are many different types of fractures, but the most common include:

-Tibia/fibula fractures: These fractures involve the two bones that make up the lower leg. They can be caused by high-impact activities, such as sports, or by low-impact activities, such as falls.

-Pilon fractures: These fractures involve the bones of the ankle joint. They are often caused by car accidents or falls from a height.

-Talus fractures involve the talus bone, located just below the ankle joint. They can be caused by high-impact activities, such as sports, or by low-impact activities, such as falls.


A dislocation occurs when the bones in a joint are forced out of alignment. The ankle is a common site for dislocations, particularly among athletes.

Dislocations can be extremely painful and may require surgery to correct. In some cases, the joint may be unstable even after treatment, leading to further injury.


Tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendons, the tough fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone. The most common tendonitis is Achilles tendonitis, which affects the large tendon at the back of the ankle. Other types include patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee), rotator cuff tendonitis, and tennis elbow. Symptoms include pain and tenderness at the affected site and difficulty moving the joint. Treatment typically involves rest, ice, and physical therapy.

Different treatments for each type of ankle injury

There are different types of ankle injury, each requiring a different treatment.

A sprained ankle is the most common types of ankle injury. It occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle are stretched or torn. Treatment for a sprained ankle includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

 The most typical type of ankle fracture is called a lateral malleolus fracture, which happens when the larger bone on the outside of the ankle is broken. Treatment for a fracture usually includes wearing a cast or boot to immobilize the ankle and allow it to heal.

A dislocated ankle happens when the bones that make up the Ankle joint are forced out of alignment. This can be a very serious injury and requires immediate medical attention. Treatment for a dislocated ankle typically includes putting the bone back into place and then immobilizing it with a cast or boot.

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