Sun Poisoning- Symptoms and Causes

what is sun poisoning


What is sun poisoning? Sun poisoning can be used to describe a severe reaction to the sun. It’s most often caused by extended exposure to sunshine but can also be triggered by chemical reactions from specific products and medications. Though not life-threatening, sun poisoning can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as burning sensations, itching, rashes, and blisters.

This blog post will explore sun poisoning, its causes and symptoms, and tips for preventing it in the future. We’ll also look at the treatments available for sun poisoning patients. With these insights, you can better protect yourself from this condition and enjoy your time outdoors more safely!

What is sun poisoning?

Sun poisoning is a severe sunburn that can cause blistering, swelling, and other severe symptoms. It’s also sometimes called phototoxic reaction or solar urticaria.

Most people should be careful of spending much time in the sun without sunscreen. But sometimes, even if you take all the proper precautions, you can still get sun poisoning.
There are two main types of sun poisoning: chemical and physical. Chemical sun poisoning happens when your skin comes into contact with a substance that makes it more sunlight-sensitive. Physical sun poisoning happens when something physically blocks your skin from protecting itself from the sun’s UV rays.

Symptoms of sun poisoning

As its name would suggest, sun poisoning is caused by overexposure to the sun. The symptoms of sun poisoning are similar to those of a severe sunburn and can include:

  • red, hot, and painful skin
  • blisters
  • swelling
  • inflammation
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • confusion

If you suspect that you or someone you know has sun poisoning, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately, as it can lead to dehydration and other serious complications.

Causes of sun poisoning

The expression “sun poisoning” can a piece misdirect, as it assumes you are in some way or another harmed in the light of the sun’s openness. Sun harming alludes to a severe copy of UV-beam openness. This can occur from being out in the sun too long, not wearing sunscreen, or maybe neglecting to play it safe on the off chance that you’re at an expanded gamble for the sun-related burn.

After knowing what is sun poisoning, you may likewise be at an expanded gamble of sun harm if you:

  • have a light complexion
  • have family members who’ve had a skin disease
  • are taking anti-microbial
  • take oral contraceptives
  • are utilizing sure natural enhancements
  • apply citrus oils to the skin before sun openness
  • live in a locale that is close to the equator
  • dwell in high heights (like precipitous districts)
  • successive the ocean side, as daylight reflects all the more seriously off sand and water
  • participate in standard snow exercises throughout the colder time of year — the sun shines off snow, as well
  • are utilizing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), like synthetic strips

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